
view raw

/** `use sse::macros::*;` */
pub mod macros {
    use crate::{fatal, err_fmt, ok_fmt}; // , log, elog};
mkfatal:{ "eprintln!(\"err: {}\", format!($($x)*)); std::process::exit(",($x),");" };
 * eprintln a prefix `err: fatal:` and a pattern, then exit the program.
 * an optional argument $c:expr can be added to specify the exit code used
 * by std::process::exit(). ex:
 * ```
 * match x {
 *     Err(e) => fatal!([-255], "this is a fatal error: {e}"),
 *     _ => ...
 * }
 * ```
macro_rules! fatal {
    ($($x:tt)*) => {{
        <? <<mkfatal. , -1; ?>
    ([$c:expr], $($x:tt)*) => {{
        <? <<mkfatal. , "$c"; ?>

/** return `Err(format!($($x)*))` */
macro_rules! err_fmt {
    ($($x:tt)*) => {{

/** return `Ok(format!($($x)*))` */
macro_rules! ok_fmt {
    ($($x:tt)*) => {{